word2x developer's corner

If you hack code in your sleep, think spending lots of time using GDB is good fun, and have a machine a tad higher spec than mine :-), then word2x development can absorb all your spare time and more. (An aging 486DX2/50 does not help doing a quck recompile before it dumps core again).


How do I get the latest development code?

You can get the latest code by anonymous ftp (and http and CVS) from the word2x project on sourceforge. Alternative there is a local copy on this machine.Be aware that this code mwill not a working executable, have extreme instability if you make it compile, etc, etc. Developers are expected to help me fix these problems, add cool new features, etc. This archive is not designed or recomended for end users. The current bug list is

Please note this list may be out of date due to other things getting in the way and developers fixing the problems :-)

New features

The next release is completely resdesigned due to the completely dire choas that was affecting the previous release. Word97's unicode document were rasing their menacing head leading to the need to for more support. Thus some internal infrastructure and major code cleanup was required. Already done are:

As time progresses word2x increasingly simulates the resource hog nature of word. I think the overall problem is AI-complete :-)

Further jobs

If you feel unable to do any of the jobs above, here is the rest of the endless list of jobs you might like to try. It is not exhaustive or even close.

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Duncan Simpson
Last modified: Thu May 11 20:37:04 Europe/London 2000